Zero Base Budgeting UPSC, Zero Based Budgeting Notes, Zero Based Budgeting in India

zero based budgeting in india

It is a bendable management approach which offers a trustworthy justification to reallocate resources through systematic appraisal and explanation of the funding and performance levels of current programs. Zero-base budgeting was also initiated in the federal government by President Jimmy Carter in 1977 to control program costs. Zero-based budgeting is an approach that starts budgeting from scratch, requires justification for expenses, and involves employees.

Business benefits of ZBB

Some managers may try to manipulate their budget reports to concentrate expenditures under the most important activities, thus ensuring that their budgets will not be reduced. It can be problematic to control or validate expenditure levels for areas of a business that do not produce “concrete,” tangible results. The operational evaluation authorized by zero-base budgeting requires a significant amount of management time. Managers need special training in the zero-base budgeting process, which further increases the time required each year.

In some cases, private businesses have been more prosperous through this exciting process than governments. ZBB is best suited to discretionary costs, for example, advertising, research development and training costs. Zero Based Budget in India was initiated in the Department of Science and Technology in 1983. At this point of time we have limited application of Zero Based Budget in India. CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course.

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zero based budgeting in india

Our experts suggest the best funds and you can get high returns by investing directly or through SIP. Carlos Brito, a protégé of Jorge Paulo Lemann, “brought to Anheuser-Busch the concept of zero-based budgeting” at Anheuser-Busch InBev as early as in the 1990s. Zero-based budgeting was created in the late 1960s by former Texas Instruments account manager Peter Pyhrr.

His goal was to instill a sense of accountability and ownership among budget holders, encouraging them to critically analyze and justify their budget requests. Zero-based budgeting can drive significant savings and efficiency, but it is much more than simply building a budget from zero. ZBB is all about building and promoting a culture of cost management and accountability. With profitability and cost management, narrative reporting, and scenario modeling, ZBB allows your company to consider the highest priorities as opposed to what has been done historically.

To summarize, Zero-Based Budgeting is effectual cost alteration effort that successfully implement resource planning. Zero based budgeting is explained by theorists as ‘budgeting from the ground up, as though the budget is being prepared for the first time with every proposed expenditure coming under review’. (Horngren et al, 1996) Zero-based budgeting is a management process to budgeting, in which the budget for every activity begins with zero for each new budget period. An analysis of this practice in a non-profit setting is important because Zero-Based Budgeting is applied in local and government organisations where predominant costs are of a flexible nature (Drury, 2004). It differs from traditional budgeting processes through investigating all expenses for each new period, not just incremental expenditures in obvious areas.

zero based budgeting in india

Traditional budgeting calls for incremental increases over previous budgets, such as a 2% increase in spending, as opposed to a justification of both old and new expenses, as called for with zero-based budgeting. Traditional budgeting only analyzes new expenditures, while ZBB starts from zero and calls for a justification of old, recurring expenses in addition to new expenditures. Peter Pyhrr, an accountant and consultant, is credited with developing the concept of zero-based budgeting (ZBB) in the 1970s. Pyhrr recognized the limitations of traditional methods of budgeting that relied on incremental adjustments to previous budgets.

Defining the government program zero-base

  1. The original goal of ZBB was to help organizations reduce costs and promote fiscal responsibility.
  2. The budgets are then built around what’s needed for the upcoming period regardless of whether each budget is higher or lower than the last one.
  3. Some managers may try to manipulate their budget reports to concentrate expenditures under the most important activities, thus ensuring that their budgets will not be reduced.
  4. As the name says “Zero-based budgeting” is an approach to plan and prepare the budget from the scratch.

Siloed, line of business planning might have sufficed before, but today the focus is about connected and continuous planning across the enterprise. Disruption has become a constant, and plans are now made to be changed, refined, and adjusted continuously. Successful CFOs are partnering with sales, marketing, HR, and operations to make faster decisions using connected, accurate, and timely information. In this new world, connected enterprise planning is not just a best practice—it is a necessity. Each budget line item is reviewed without the influence of the last period’s actuals as a baseline.

Impact on government operations

The primary objective of zero-based budgeting is the reduction of unnecessary costs by looking at where costs can be cut. It was during the 1990s that China began looking out for a new and modern form of budgeting for their country’s nationwide budget reform, and ended up settling on ZBB. The concept of ZBB was first introduced to China at the beginning of the 1990s and was primarily focused on Hubei Province. A new policy was set in place to put ZBB into action there, known as the DBR, or the Departmental Budgeting Reform.

Zero-Based Budgeting forces managers to analyse all spending and requires justifying every expense item that should be kept. It facilitates companies to profoundly reshape their cost structures and increase competitiveness. The process is supportive to align resource allocations with strategic goals, though it can be time-consuming and challenging to measure the returns on some expenditures. The main objective of the process is to constantly refocus finance on business objectives, and dismiss or scale back any activities no longer related to those objectives. Sarant stated that, Zero-Base-Budgeting is a technique which complements and links to existing planning, budgeting and review processes. It identifies alternative and efficient methods of utilizing limited resources.

A unit makes its budget request by preparing ‘decision packages’ for each activity it undertakes. It’s a necessary step for freeing the resources and funds needed for growth initiatives. Working with the line of business leaders, you can identify overspending and reallocate those resources toward more strategic use. Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a budgeting technique in which all expenses must be justified for a new period or year starting from zero, versus starting with the previous budget and adjusting it as needed.

Each item is carefully evaluated to determine if any programs, services, or activities will be increased, maintained, reduced, or removed. Managers need to account for all elements of the budget and identify cost-effective, relevant, and cost-saving areas. Though ZBB is a good technique of budgeting, it was not implemented successfully. Proper attention, Commitment form management and trained personnel can better implement the ZBB process.

With the cost savings that are discovered, business leaders can then focus on making the changes necessary to keep up with customer needs, emerging competitors, and economic shifts. Under zero-base, there is an attempt to document personnel and expense requirements that are readily accepted as necessary. Modified zero-base can evade this by developing a base that is higher than zero. The term service level budgeting is sometimes better account of this process.

Zero-based budgeting is primarily used in business but it can be used by individuals and families, too. Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer zero based budgeting in india journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia. Zero budget farming is a set of farming methods that involve zero credit for agriculture and no use of chemical fertilisers.

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